21/06/2024 às 10:49 Photography tips

Mastering Your Photography Style with a New Camera: Tips and Insights

2min de leitura

My camera broke, so I quickly switched to a new one. I worried the colors might change and disappoint clients. But after glowing 5-star reviews, I'm sharing tips for photographers adjusting to new gear:

1. Focus on Your Vision, Not the Gear: Remember that your unique style comes from your creative vision, not the camera itself. The way you see and capture the world is what defines your style. A new camera might have different features, but your artistic eye remains the same. Embrace the new tool and explore how it can enhance your creativity. Sometimes some adjustments will be needed on the camera itself if you want to keep using the same editing workflow, and that you will know with time.

2. Take Time to Learn Your New Camera: Spend some time getting to know your new camera before any major shoots. Experiment with its settings, practice in different lighting conditions, and understand its strengths and limitations. The more comfortable you become with the new gear, the more confident you’ll be in maintaining your style. From my experience, 30 days is a good time length to be sure of the adjustments to be made in the camera itself or in the editing, so overlap the changes, and don’t wait until your camera breaks like mine. I have three cameras and using now one that I used for weddings, but presets, settings, and workflow is different from my vacation photography work.

3. Embrace Change as Growth: Changing your camera can be a great opportunity to evolve and refine your style. Use this transition as a chance to experiment and push your boundaries. Sometimes, a new tool can open up possibilities you hadn’t considered before, leading to even more compelling and unique work. As an example, now I have more focus points and a faster shutter, which is making me embrace more documentary style into vacation photography giving my clients added value.

But learn from my experience, record your camera's life, and check it periodically. Ah, the camera that died two days ago was the Nikon D600, which has been with me since 2016. Now, I'm using the D750, which is not new. It has also been with me for years and has been to many weddings, but it is new for my vacation photography. After two days, I have already set it for the Amsterdam light, and it is responding amazingly to my vacation photography preset (I do my own), and as it is a better camera (more focus points, faster shutter speed, better in low light, should I make a post about this?), I'm in love with the results.

See you soon and until the next photo session in Amsterdam.

Joanna, your Amsterdam photographer

Vacation photographer and local expert based in Amsterdam

21 Jun 2024

Mastering Your Photography Style with a New Camera: Tips and Insights

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artistic vision camera features camera setting creative vision evolving technique growth through change maintaining style new camera transition photography style photography workflow vacation photographer in Amsterdam

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