08/12/2022 às 16:47 Joanna

Lensa app - Making avatars

1min de leitura

I tried the Lensa app, and if you are thinking of giving it a try, please read this: 

* The app works with a subscription, but you don't need to subscribe to do the avatars.

* There is a one-time fee for doing the avatars; I chose 100 results for €6.99. I read that if you subscribed, you could have a 50% discount, but I haven't tried it that way.

* My results were divided into Fantasy, Fairy Princess, Focus, Pop, Stylish, Light, Kawaii, Iridescent, and Cosmic. Each variety had ten different options.

* Some images were lovely, but others were too distorted or even without my face. 

It is still, as a photographer, fun to see how an app creates these images. Still unreal, but how I love the first one. It is the bow and arrow, but still, pretty nice.

I must confess I like less than 10% of it, but it can also be because of the choices I make for the selfies I introduced to the app. So, my recommendation will be:

* Choose only a close-up portrait with good light.

* Prefer the ones that you are looking straight at the camera.

* Avoid using full-body images or pictures that you have something like headphones. Everything affects the final result.

And have fun! 

Until next time,

Joanna, your Amsterdam photographer


08 Dez 2022

Lensa app - Making avatars

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