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Life is full of lessons, and the mail I received gave me two.
First, nothing comes if you don't take action. I have been reluctant to send images to Fearless Photographers or other Photo Contest over the last 3 years. I was thinking to have clients "knocking to my door" each week was enough to have a business running. But there is a big mistake with that. We always need competition, and we always need to know if we are exceeding our clients' expectations.
Yes, having a great review and clients for life is great, but also know, once in a while, we are in line with international standards is good. This mail taught me I still have work to do, I still need to work harder, and I can make my work better than it is now.
Second, it helped me notice I've been consistently awarded in one type of image: Black & White, close-ups, and two-light setups. It makes me validate - on the photographer's arena - the type of image I like to create. But what about you? which kinds of images do you like to see?
You can see the picture on Fearless Photographer's site clicking here.
Joanna, your Amsterdam photographer

Images finalist on Collection 55 - Fearless Photographers